
About the Investor Alliance for Human Rights

The Investor Alliance for Human Rights is a collective action platform for responsible investment that is grounded in respect for people's fundamental rights. We are a membership-based, non-profit initiative focusing on the investor responsibility to respect human rights, corporate engagements that drive responsible business conduct, and standard-setting activities that push for robust business and human rights policies.

Our membership is currently comprised of over 240 institutional investors, including asset management firms, trade union funds, public pension funds, foundations, endowments, faith-based organizations, and family funds. Our members currently represent a total of over US$14 trillion in assets under management and 21 countries. 

Along with civil society allies, our team equips the investment community with expertise and opportunities to put the investor responsibility to respect human rights into practice by:

  • Providing capacity-building and practical tools for the implementation of responsible business standards at each step of the investment lifecycle;

  • Supporting direct engagement with portfolio companies on their own human rights practices; and

  • Coordinating actions that ask policymakers and standard-setting bodies to create level playing fields for responsible business.

Our Advisory Council plays a key role in providing advice and expertise to support the activities of the Investor Alliance in coordination with Investor Alliance staff. 

The Investor Alliance is supported by Humanity United, Laudes Foundation and Open Society Foundations.

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About ICCR

The Investor Alliance for Human Rights was launched in 2018 as an initiative of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR), in order to provide institutional investors with a dedicated platform to increase their capacity and impact in addressing human rights risks associated with business activities. Founded in 1971, ICCR is a coalition of shareholder organizations that engage corporations on social and environmental impacts. Its 300 members comprise socially responsible asset managers, faith communities, unions, pensions, and civil society groups with combined assets of over US$4 trillion.