Become a Member
Membership is currently free and open to all institutional investors, including asset management firms, trade union funds, public pension funds, foundations, endowments, faith-based organizations, family funds, investor associations, and investment advisors.
Our membership is currently comprised of over 240 institutional investors, representing over US $14 trillion in assets under management and 21 countries.
Click here to read our Membership Principles and join.
The Investor Alliance for Human Rights provides institutional investors with a platform to:
Realize the investor responsibility to respect human rights through awareness raising, capacity building, and the application of practical guidance and targeted tools;
Engage companies on human rights risks and responsible management of those risks; and
Collaborate with policy makers and standard setting bodies to create enabling environments for responsible business conduct.
The Investor Alliance for Human Rights supports members in the following ways as they work to identify, assess, and address human rights risks throughout their investment decision-making and stewardship activities:
Capacity building on human rights due diligence to support investors in identifying salient human rights issues of their portfolio companies;
Amplifying their influence and impact through collaborations with a global network of investors and strategic partners on human rights priorities;
Participation in coordinated investor engagements geared towards promoting business respect for human rights;
Engagement with civil society, rights-holders, and other stakeholders with relevant human rights expertise; and
Facilitating other collective actions, ranging from standard setting and regulatory activities to the filing of shareholder resolutions.
Members have access to the Investor Alliance for Human Rights listserv and other tools and guidance to support investor action on human rights.
Click here to read our Membership Principles and join the Investor Alliance for Human Rights.
To learn more about membership, please contact Rebecca DeWinter-Schmitt at rdewinter@iccr.org.