Investor Toolkit on Human Rights
The Investor Alliance for Human Rights launched our flagship Investor Toolkit for Human Rights in 2020 for asset owners and managers to address risks to people posed by their investments, available also in the Japanese language. Investors, like all business actors, have a responsibility to respect human rights and should act with due diligence in line with the UN Guiding Principles on Business in Human Rights (UNGPs), the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and the OECD Guidance on Responsible Business Conduct for Institutional Investors.
The purpose of the Investor Toolkit is provide institutional investors with ready-to-use guidance, practical tools, and illustrative case studies to support the implementation of their responsibility to respect human rights throughout the investment lifecycle. The Toolkit does the following:
- Makes the case for why all investors can and should integrate respect for human rights across their investment activities and relationships;
- Breaks down how the UNGPs and OECD Guidelines applies to investors both at an institutional level and at an investment level;
- Outlines specific steps that investors can take to prevent, mitigate, and address adverse human rights impacts connected with their investment activities, with a clear indication of how the steps relate to different types of investors and/or asset classes; and
- Offers analytical tools, checklists, templates, key questions, and case studies for investors to use, learn from, and apply in practice.
You can download the Investor Toolkit on Human Rights in English and Japanese along with the Executive Summary of the Investor Toolkit in English below:
Download the Investor Toolkit on Human Rights (Eng)