Investor Alliance has over 240 members representing nearly $14 trillion in assets under management and 21 countries.
Our membership is for institutional investors and includes asset management firms, trade union funds, public pension funds, foundations, endowments, faith-based funds, and family funds.
To become a member, please email us or click here to read our Membership Principles and join.
- abrdn
- Acadian Asset Management LLC
- Achmea Investment Management
- Adrian Dominican Sisters, Portfolio Advisory Board
- Æquo
- AIP Management
- AJF Capital Management
- AkademikerPension
- American Baptist Home Mission Society
- American Friends Service Committee
- Anima SGR
- Anthos Fund & Asset Management
- AP Pension
- AP2
- AP3
- APG Asset Management
- Aquinas Associates
- a.s.r. asset management
- Atlas Responsible Investors
- Ausbil Investment Management Ltd.
- Australasian Centre for Corporate Responsibility
- Australian Ethical Investment
- AustralianSuper
- Avesco Financial Services AG
- Aviva Investors Global Services Limited
- AXA Investment Management
- Azzad Asset Management
- Benedictine Coalition for Responsible Investment
- BMO Global Asset Management
- Bon Secours Mercy Health
- Boston Common Asset Management
- Boston Trust Walden Company
- B.C. General Employees’ Union (BCGEU)
- Brightlight Group
- Brown Advisory
- Calvert Research and Management
- Canada Post Corporation Pension Plan
- Capuchin Franciscan Province of Saint Joseph
- Cardano Asset Management N.V.
- CCLA Investment Management
- Ceres
- Change Finance
- Chicory Wealth
- Christian Brothers Investment Services
- Christian Church Foundation
- Church of England Pensions Board
- Church of Sweden
- Citrine Capital Sdn Bhd
- Clean Yield Asset Management
- Coastline Wealth Management
- Columbia Threadneedle Investments
- Comgest
- Comitato Lady Lawyer Village
- Committee on Workers Capital
- CommonSpirit Health
- Conference for Corporate Responsibility Indiana and Michigan
- Congregation of St. Joseph
- Congregation of the Sisters of St. Agnes
- Cornerstone Capital Group
- Corporance
- Corporate Governance
- Cotton and Quill Advisory
- Dana Investment Advisors
- Daughters of Charity, Province of St. Louise
- Degroof Petercam Asset Management
- de Pury Pictet Turrettini
- Dignity Health
- Domini Impact Investments LLC
- Dominican Sisters, Grand Rapids
- Dominican Sisters of Hope
- Dreilinden gGmbH
- Dutch Association of Investors for Sustainable Development
- Eder Financial
- Elo Mutual Insurance Pension Co.
- Engagement International
- EFG Asset Management
- EIRIS Foundation
- EOS Federated Hermes
- Epic Capital Wealth Management
- Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania
- Ermes, start-up of the Sapienza University of Rome
- ESG Portfolio Management
- Ethos Foundation, Switzerland
- Eventide Asset Management
- Everence and the Praxis Mutual Funds
- Felician Sisters of North America
- Figure 8 Investment Strategies
- Findlay Park Partners
- First Affirmative Financial Network
- First Sentier Investors
- Folksam
- Friends Fiduciary Corporation
- Frontis Governance
- Future Super
- G&A Institute
- GAM Investments
- Gernika Gogoratuz
- Glenmede
- Global Delta Capital
- GoBeyond Investing
- Goldman Sachs Asset Management
- Green Investment Partners
- Grey Nuns of the Sacred Heart
- Hamburger Stiftung f. Wirtschaftsethik
- Handelsbanken Asset Management
- Heartland Initiative
- IG4 Capital
- IHM Sisters of Monroe, Michigan
- IIP Denmark
- Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company
- Impact Investors
- Intentional Endowments Network
- International Brotherhood of Teamsters
- Investor Advocates for Social Justice
- IQ EQ Fund Management Limited
- Ircantec
- IWP Capital LLC
- JLens
- Jupiter Asset Management
- JUST Capital
- Kiwi Wealth Investments Ltd.
- Kruse Financial Strategy
- La Banque Postale AM
- La Financière de l'Echiquier
- Lannebo Kapitalfövaltnning
- Lawtechgroup
- Legal & General Investment Management
- LGPS Central
- LGT Wealth Management
- Local Authority Pension Fund Forum
- Löning - Human Rights & Responsible Business
- London LGPS CIV Limited
- Marquette University
- Maryknoll Sisters
- May First/People Link
- Melbourne Capital Group Limited
- Mennonite Education Agency
- Mercy Investment Services, Inc.
- Midwest Coalition Responsible Investment
- Miller/Howard Investments
- Milltrust International LLP
- Minerva Analytics Ltd
- Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate
- MN Services
- Morgan State University Foundation
- Natural Investments
- NEI Investments
- New Alternatives Fund
- New York State Common Retirement Fund
- Newground Social Investment
- Newton Investment Management
- Nia Impact Capital
- Nordea Asset Management
- NorthStar Asset Management, Inc.
- Northwest Coalition for Responsible Investment
- Nykredit Asset Management (and subsidiary Sparinvest)
- Ofi Invest Asset Management
- Öhman
- OIP Trust
- OP Asset Management
- Open MIC (Open Media and Information Companies Initiative)
- Oxfam America
- Pacifica Partners, Inc.
- Parnassus Investments
- Pathstone
- Pax World Funds
- PeaceNexus
- Pegasus Capital Advisors, LP
- Peoples Partnership
- PhiTrust
- PBU - Pension Fund of Early Childhood and Youth Educators
- PFC Social Impact Advisors
- PGGM Investments
- PKA Pension
- Platform Living Wage Financials
- Prentiss Smith & Co
- Priests of the Sacred Heart, US Province
- Principal Asset Management (Principal Financial Group)
- Rathbone Greenbank
- re:cap global investors ag
- Region VI Coalition for Responsible Investment
- Regroupement pour la Responsabilité Sociale des Entreprises (RRSE)
- Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren
- Responsible Sourcing Network
- RFK Human Rights’ Compass Investor Program
- Rhode Island Treasury
- Rikkyo University, Japan
- Rising Tide Europe
- Riverwater Partners
- Robeco
- Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
- San Francisco Employees' Retirement System
- Sandglass Capital Advisors, LLC
- Sarasin & Partners LLP
- Save the Children - Sweden
- School Sisters of Notre Dame Cooperative Investment Fund
- School Sisters of St. Francis
- Schroders
- SDG Invest
- Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Benefit Funds
- Seventh Generation Interfaith Coalition for Responsible Investment
- Shareholder Association for Research and Education (SHARE)
- Shareholder for Change
- SharePower Responsible Investing
- Sierra Club Foundation
- Sisters of Bon Secours, USA
- Sisters of Charity of Nazareth
- Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul of New York
- Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Dubuque
- Sisters of Charity, Halifax
- Sisters of Mary Reparatrix
- Sisters of St. Dominic of Caldwell, NJ
- Sisters of St. Dominic / Racine Dominicans
- Sisters of St. Francis of Dubuque
- Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia
- Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston
- Sisters of the Good Shepherd
- Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary, General Administration
- Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary, US Ontario Province
- Sisters of the Humility of Mary
- Sisters of the Presentation of Aberdeen SD
- Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, New Windsor, NY
- SOC Investment Group
- Social Justice Committee of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Shelter Rock
- Socially Responsible Investment Coalition
- Solaris Investment Management Ltd.
- Stance Capital
- Stardust
- Storebrand Asset Management
- Sustainability Group of Loring, Wolcott & Coolidge
- Sustainalytics
- Sustainvest Asset Management LLC
- Sycomore Asset Management
- TPT Investment Management
- T'ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights
- Trillium Asset Management
- Trinity Fiduciary Partners LLC
- Trinity Health
- Trustees of Donations to the Protestant Episcopal Church
- TrustWorks Global
- Tyson Ventures
- UAW Retiree Medical Benefits Trust
- UBS Asset Management
- Union Investment
- Unitarian Universalist Association
- United Church Funds
- Universidad de Burgos
- Universities Superannuation Scheme
- University Pension Plan
- Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk, U.S. Province
- USDOL Employee Benefits Security Administration
- Valor AMIA
- Vancity Investment Management
- Van Lanschot Kempen
- Veris Wealth Partners
- Vermont Pension Investment Committee
- Vert Asset Management
- Vigeo Eiris
- Vontobel AG
- Wetherby Asset Management
- Whistle Stop Capitol
- Zevin Asset Management
- Zuleta Abogados