Membership Principles

The Investor Alliance for Human Rights is a collective action platform for responsible investment that is grounded in respect for people's fundamental rights. We are a membership-based, non-profit initiative focusing on the investor responsibility to respect human rights, corporate engagements that drive responsible business conduct, and standard-setting activities that push for robust business and human rights policies. 

As financial and business actors, investors have a responsibility to respect human rights in line with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.   

As Members of the Investor Alliance for Human Rights:   

  • We strive to implement the corporate responsibility to respect human rights through an effective human rights due diligence process, as established by international consensus in the UN Guiding Principles, in our institutions and throughout our investment activities.  

  • We call on our portfolio companies to respect human rights in their operations and throughout their value chains and business relationships by undertaking human rights due diligence and associated disclosures to assess and address actual and potential human rights impacts.    

  • We seek to amplify our investor voice and impact on human rights priorities through collective and coordinated action among investors and with our strategic partners in the private and public sectors.    

  • We strive to promote responsible, rights-respecting investment throughout the investment sector.    

  • We listen to rights-holders and their representatives, civil society organizations, subject matter experts, and other stakeholders to inform our work.   

CLICK HERE TO JOIN the Investor Alliance for Human Rights.  

To learn more about membership, please contact Rebecca DeWinter-Schmitt