ESG Series: Understanding the Evolving "S" Landscape Through its Foundations in Human Rights
As mainstream investors increasingly incorporate ESG factors into their investment process, the “S” of ESG investing remains somewhat unchartered territory. So many social issues are human rights issues at their core, but data and metrics are challenging for those doing research and due diligence.
With social and economic inequities laid bare by COVID-19 and with a pending European Union legislative directive mandating human rights and environmental due diligence (which has implications for US-based investment managers doing business in the EU), 2021 is an opportune year for mainstream investors to dig deeper into the “S” in ESG.
On May 4, 2021, the CFA Society of Boston convened this webinar featuring speakers Anita Dorett of the Investor Alliance, Rosa van den Beemt of BMO Global Asset Management - Canada, and John Wilson of Calvert Research Management.
You can view the full webinar below: