Japan Launch Event: Investor Toolkit on Human Rights
Investors, as shareholders of companies, have a responsibility to respect human rights in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (the UNGPs). Especially in the midst of the global financial crisis caused by Covid-19, they must not only support economic recovery but also actively contribute to building new systems based on respect for human rights. In this context, the Investor Alliance for Human Rights, a collective action platform for responsible investment, has published the "Investor Toolkit for Human Rights" to provide concrete ways for investors to actively contribute to building new systems based on respect for human rights. Human Rights Now, a certified non-profit organization, has released a Japanese translation of the Investor Toolkit in cooperation with the Alliance.
This Japanese translation of the Investor Toolkit will be a useful tool for Japanese asset owners and asset managers to utilize and embed their human rights in their institutions and investment activities.
The Investor Toolkit provides practical guidance to help institutional investors assess the human rights risks to all people posed by their investment activities in accordance with the UNGPs and build a risk management system that respects human rights. During the webinar, we will introduce the contents of the toolkit as well as how overseas investors are implementing responsible investment. In addition, the NGO for International Cooperation (ACE), which works on the elimination and prevention of child labor, will talk about what they are asking of investors and companies from the perspective of Japanese civil society.
Watch a recording of the webinar here.