Webinar: Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights Due Diligence
The benefits of artificial intelligence (AI) on society could be significant, such as improved health diagnostics and self-driving cars that increase road safety. At the same time, AI can also negatively impact human rights, including through discrimination stemming from algorithmic bias, labor impacts associated with automation and the displacement of workers, and heightened risk of surveillance using facial recognition tools.
With the goal of helping investors engage companies on the human rights risks of AI, this webinar will explore what it means to take a human rights-based approach to AI and provide recommendations on promoting the uptake of human rights due diligence by companies developing and using this technology.
Dunstan Allison-Hope, Managing Director at BSR, will join us as an expert speaker for this discussion led by Danielle Essink, Senior Engagement Specialist at Robeco.
Missed the webinar? View the recording below.