Webinar: BankTrack's 2019 Human Rights Benchmark
On Thursday, November 21 from 10-11am ET, the Investor Alliance for Human Rights hosted a webinar for its members on BankTrack's soon-to-be released 2019 Human Rights Benchmark, which ranks 50 of the world's largest private sector banks against 14 criteria based on the requirements of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
This will be the third iteration of BankTrack’s Human Rights Benchmark following its earlier “Banking with Principles?” reports in 2014 and 2016. It assesses banks based on their human rights policies, due diligence process, reporting on human rights, and approach to access to remedy. The report will sort the 'leaders' and the 'front runner' banks from the 'followers' and 'laggards' and identify the gaps that banks across the board are failing to address.
The webinar provided members with an opportunity to:
Learn about the Benchmark's methodology and key findings from BankTrack's Ryan Brightwell;
Hear initial responses to the findings from Boston Common’s Lauren Compere and other members engaging with banks on their human rights policies and practices; and
Participate in an interactive discussion about how to leverage the Benchmark's findings in investor action toward respect for human rights across the banking industry.
Missed the webinar? View the recording below.