Webinar: Corporate Human Rights Benchmark 2018 Results
The Corporate Human Rights Benchmark (CHRB) is the most comprehensive effort to assess and rank companies across sectors and issues related to human rights, complementing more specifically focused benchmarks such as Know the Chain and Ranking Digital Rights.
Building on its pilot ranking of 100 companies in three sectors -- extractives, apparel, and agriculture -- released in March 2017, CHRB is releasing updated rankings of companies in these sectors on November 12, 2018.
Following the launch by only two days, this webinar will present findings, explain the methodology changes made in the benchmark, and highlight issues and trends related to human rights that are apparent on an issue-specific and industry-wide basis. The objective is to equip responsible investors to use the results to inform investment research and decision-making and encourage company engagement and shareholder advocacy.
The presentation will be made by Dan Neale, CHRB Programme Director, together with Bennett Freeman, CHRB Senior Advisor, and Anna Pot, Manager, Responsible Investment, APG.
Missed the webinar? View the recording below.