Webinar: Corporate Human Rights Benchmark 2019 Results
On Monday, November 18 from 10-11am ET, the Investor Alliance for Human Rights hosted a webinar for its members on the Corporate Human Right Benchmark's (CHRB) 2019 results, launched on November 15.
The CHRB ranks almost 200 companies across the agricultural products, apparel, extractives, and ICT manufacturing industries on the governance, policies, processes, and practices companies have in place to systematize their human rights approach and how they respond when things go wrong.
The objective of this webinar was to equip responsible investors to use the results to inform investment research and decision-making and support company engagements on human rights.
We were pleased to have the following speakers join us:
Dan Neale, CHRB Programme Director; and
Bennett Freeman, CHRB co-founder/Senior Advisor
Missed the webinar? View the recording below.