Workshop: The Investor Responsibility to Respect Human Rights
On June 20, 2019, the Investor Alliance for Human Rights hosted a 1-day workshop in New York with its members and key allies. The focus of the workshop was the investor responsibility to respect human rights and how investors can engage with this responsibility in practice.
The aims of the workshop were to: (1) build the capacity of participants on the steps involved in engaging with the investor responsibility to respect human rights, (2) identify and discuss existing tools for and practices of investors carrying out these steps, and (3) provide an opportunity for strategic planning for next shareholder season.
The workshop also served as a consultation on the Alliance’s sector-wide and company-specific tools, as well as its development of an Investor Toolkit on Respect for Human Rights. The meeting was designed to provide a platform for an interactive and collaborative exchange between investment groups and human rights organizations. Over 40 participants attended in person and approximately 12 participants joined by phone.
For a full summary of the workshop, click here.