Investor Guidance on Private Security and Human Rights
The Investor Alliance partnered with the International Code of Conduct Association (ICoCA) to coauthor The Investor ESG Guide on Private Security and Human Rights, which brings investors' attention to human rights risks linked to their portfolio companies' use of private security services. (Now available in French and Spanish.) The guide helps investors analyze how portfolio companies utilize security services and learn how to encourage their portfolio companies to conduct due diligence on their security providers through a series of actions to manage human rights risks. The Investor ESG Guide exists as part of a larger ICoCA project for investors to address security-related risks within their portfolios.
ICoCA and the Geneva Centre for Business and Human Rights, with input from the Investor Alliance, also developed an ESG Rating Methodology for Assessing Security Related Human Rights Risks for ESG Rating Agencies. This methodology provides indicators and deeper assessment knowledge about security and human rights for ESG rating agencies.
To learn more about these initiatives, watch these two webinars:
Sustainable Business and Investment Practices: Why Private Security Matters
This webinar focuses on a hidden area of ESG risk and opportunity - private security contracting. In light of recent scandals and human rights abuses, this session explores the massive yet often misunderstood industry of private security. Our select panel of investment and industry experts unravels the intricacies of this neglected aspect of ESG, shedding light on both the risks and opportunities it presents to ESG investors and their portfolio companies.
The Hidden 'S' in ESG: Investors' Role in Promoting Responsible Private Security.
This webinar delves into corporate responsibility and human rights due diligence, marking the launch of a new Investor ESG Guide on Private Security and Human Rights. Experts share best practices and strategies for investors to actively promote responsible business conduct and human rights within their investment portfolios.