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September 2019: Investor Alliance Submission to United Nations B-Tech Project

On September 2, 2019, the Investor Alliance for Human Rights submitted feedback on the draft scoping paper of the B-Tech Project, an initiative of UN Human Rights that seeks to provide authoritative guidance and resources to support effective implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights with respect to strategic focus areas in the technology space. 

The focus areas are: (1) Human Rights Risks in Business Models, (2) Human Rights Due Diligence and End-Use, (3) Accountability and Remedy, and (4) “A Smart Mix of Measures” exploring regulatory and policy responses to human rights challenges linked to digital technologies.

The purpose of the Investor Alliance submission was to express our support for the B-Tech Project and to provide feedback on the scoping paper based on our experiences in promoting the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles among technology companies as investors. The feedback provided is framed around the questions outlined in the scoping paper and includes a number of recommendations, including the need for greater attention to the role of investors in promoting respect human rights among technology companies. 

For more information, please contact Anita Dorett at

Click here to learn more about the Investor Alliance's work on technology and human rights.