
Investors and governments are not adequately addressing Uyghur forced labour risks in the renewable energy sector, research has found.
The solar and electric vehicle industries have been heavily impacted by forced labour in the region.
Co-authors Anti-Slavery International, the Helena Kennedy Centre for International Justice at Sheffield Hallam University, and the Investor Alliance for Human Rights have launched new investor guidance and a policy briefing advising more effective and proactive strategies to address systemic forced...
Highlights from the latest developments in sustainable finance: A group of business and finance institutions, including the Investor Alliance, have issued a call for sector-specific European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). Read the full statement here. P+ divests 10 Chinese solar...
FOR PRESS INQUIRIES, PLEASE CONTACT: Anti-Slavery International: Jessica Turner on +447789936383 or email us at . The Investor Alliance for Human Rights: Susana McDermott on + 1-201-417-9060 or . Helen Kennedy Centre for International Justice: Caroline Dale...
Reinsurers are still developing ESG policies. UK pension schemes should use their influence to push insurers to apply their ESG policies toward reinsurance partners.
As artificial intelligence’s influence continues to spread and regulation begin to arrive, investors must be able to hold companies accountable on governance.
By Christen Dobson, Co-Head, Civic Freedoms & Human Rights Defenders Programme, Business & Human Rights Resource Centre Twenty-five years ago, the landmark Declaration on Human Rights Defenders was adopted by the UN General Assembly reinforcing that we all have the right to defend human rights. It...
Together with over 40 different stakeholders from the business community, financial sector, NGOs and trade unions, we have joined forces and sent a letter to EU policymakers. We call on EUon EU negotiators to reach a political agreement on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD)...
An open consultation took place at today’s Forum, as the UN Working Group prepares a report for June next year on how to align Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) approaches in the financial sector with the UN Guiding Principles. Speakers called on investors to themselves use a rightsholder...