

In the News
Despite artificial intelligence (AI) being in its nascent stages investors need to “get familiar” with the technology, due to the competitive advantages it can offer in regard to understanding regulatory change and ESG risks to portfolios.
In the News
The largest food and beverage companies’ attempts to tackle the issue of forced labour in the food value chain is “stagnating”, leaving investors subject to heightened risk from upcoming regulations.
In the News
In today's interconnected world, finance has a major impact on the real economy and institutional investors exert significant influence influence over the companies they invest in. Sustainability efforts with companies are centred around reporting and data.
In the News
A growing number of investors view human rights information as relevant to their assessments and related decision-making. For example, The UN Guiding Principles Reporting Framework is backed by a coalition of 88 investors representing US$5.3 trillion in assets under management.
In the News
To address the growing child labor challenge in the U.S., companies must grapple with what went wrong by taking a hard look at their supplier due diligence and management processes.
Press Release
Investors are calling on the company to implement an annual assessment of child safety policies and practices. NEW YORK, NY, TUESDAY, MAY 30TH, 2023 — Tomorrow, Meta ($META) shareholders will have the opportunity to vote on a shareholder proposal asking the company to publish an annual report...
Press Release
We strongly condemn the escalating violence and rapidly deteriorating human rights and humanitarian crisis in Sudan, which began on 15 April and continues at an alarming scale in dense population centres, including in Khartoum and Darfur. As organisations that work with companies and investors to...
In the News
[11 April, 2023] - As negotiations on the EU's Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) progress, more than 20 leading businesses and networks call for alignment of CSDDD with the international standards of the UN Guiding Principles and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational...
By Lauren Compere, Managing Director/Head of Stewardship & Engagement, Boston Common Asset Management With the proliferation of deep fakes, widespread global surveillance, generative AI (or general use AI) and associated emergent properties, how can we as investors truly understand the risks and...
Press Release
[Montréal, Qc, 19 April 2023] - A group of 131 investors representing over $352 billion in assets is mobilizing for human rights in Iran. The protest movement in Iran has been ongoing since the tragic death of Mahsa Amini, which sparked waves of mass protests throughout the country calling for...
In the News
Financial companies can negatively impact human rights and environmental goals through the projects and companies they finance.
In the News
As concerns about the legal consequences of forced labor continue to mount, the Cambodian government has moved to reassure representatives from the American Apparel & Footwear Association.
Press Release
88 investors representing US$2.4T issued a series of recommendations to urge key EU decision-makers to strengthen the proposed rule and to ensure legislative coherence and legal certainty for companies. NEW YORK NY, TUESDAY, MARCH 21, 2023 – Today, investors shared a letter they submitted to the EU...
In the News
The 2023 proxy season is now underway, with both companies and investors alike gearing up for a busy few months full of meetings and voting. Here are six types of shareholder proposals that are set to make waves in the coming season.
In the News
The OECD is consulting on changes to guidelines for multinational enterprises, with investors demanding greater protection for defenders and more focus on value chains. Investors have welcomed the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD) planned update to its Guidelines for...
In the News
IAHR members highlight “growing anxiety” on human and civil rights risks emerging through the misuse of artificial intelligence. A group of 149 investors has called for a series of enhancements to the EU Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act to create an environment with “parameters that incentivise...
Press Release
A group of 149 global investors representing over US$1.6T in assets issues a statement to EU bodies tasked with developing a regulatory framework for safe AI development and use. NEW YORK, NY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16TH, 2023 – Citing the need for ongoing human rights due diligence to regulate the...
In the News
Asset owners slate 15 proposals on issues including opaque algorithms and privacy rights, amid ongoing concerns over voting limits imposed by dual class share structures. Members of the Investor Alliance for Human Rights (IAHR) have announced a series of proposals filed for the 2023 proxy of big...
In the News
Amazon Inc., Alphabet Inc. and Meta Inc. face shareholder proposals from human rights activists seeking greater transparency from the tech companies on a range of issues from racial equity to the proliferation of hate speech on their platforms. Read more.
Press Release
NEW YORK NY, TUESDAY, JANUARY 31 ST, 2023 - Members of the Investor Alliance for Human Rights who have been engaging leading tech companies on their human/digital rights risks today announced they had filed a series of proposals for the 2023 proxies of Alphabet ($GOOGL), Amazon ($AMZN) and Meta (...