
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is leading to a rapid reappraisal of ESG risks by asset owners, including enhanced scrutiny of human rights and governance risks across portfolios, and a reaffirmed commitment to net zero targets. Investors and corporates are facing practical, legal and liquidity...
Businesses and shareholders in companies doing business with Russian counterparts are being encouraged by an investor alliance to review possible connections to humanitarian and human rights violations being committed by Russia’s military forces in Ukraine and to consider divesting if such links are...
EFAMA and Eurosif, along with non-profits including Finance Watch and ShareAction, have called on Members of the European Parliament to broaden the scope of EU corporate sustainability reporting legislation. Their letter to MEPs comes as various committees in the European Parliament will in the...
REUTERS: In a statement to be released on Thursday, the New York-based Investor Alliance for Human Rights said companies must consider ending Russian business deals if they cannot avoid contributing to human rights harms.
As a network of investors engaging our portfolio companies on business and human rights concerns, we recognize the importance of strong national rule of law and adherence to internationally recognized human rights standards to foster peace and prosperity and to guarantee the exercise of democratic...
Today the European Commission released its long-awaited proposal for a directive on corporate sustainability due diligence. The Investor Alliance for Human Rights welcomed the proposal as an important step forward but cautioned that significant gaps remain relative to expectations laid out in...
Rolling out clean energy is clearly a critical part of global mitigation efforts, but there are rising concerns that some of these projects are failing to properly incorporate human rights. This could in turn put these businesses, and even the whole energy transition, at risk. Read more.
NEW YORK, NY, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13TH, 2022 – In a statement organized by the Investor Alliance for Human Rights, 65 signatories representing over US$8.7 trillion (€7.6 trillion) in assets under management and advisement voiced support for rights-respecting internet regulation in the European Union...
NEW YORK, NY, TUESDAY, JANUARY, 11TH, 2022 – Shareholders announced a group of proposals they filed for the 2022 Alphabet proxy raising a series of civil/human rights and governance risks they believe are material to their investments. In total shareholders filed eleven proposals calling for...
As governments ratchet up accusations of human-rights violations in China, officials there are pressuring foreign companies to take China’s side. The recent flashpoint with Beijing centers on Xinjiang, where the U.S. and others have accused China of committing genocide against the region’s Uyghur...