
The risk of complicity in abuses against the Uyghur population highlights the need for investors to focus on supply chain transparency. “In the Xinjiang region of western China, a crackdown on what the Chinese government describes as separatist terrorism has escalated into one of the most drastic...
A blog post from Lydia Kuykendal, Mercy Investment Services, Michela Gregory, NEI Investments, and Anita Dorett, Director at the Investor Alliance for Human Rights. With mobile banking, remote learning, healthcare services, greater citizen participation, and coordination of democratic movements...
Blog post by Richard Gardiner, EU Public Policy Lead, World Benchmarking Alliance On the first of December, EU economic ministers met to discuss the position of the European Council on the proposed EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence directive (CSDDD). This law seeks to create a legal...
As environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues factor into more investment decisions, critics say one element is often overlooked: the human rights records of businesses. Read the full article on the Globe and Mail.
PRESS RELEASE INVESTORS HEARTENED BY RESULTS OF 2022 CHRB ASSESSMENT INDICATING SLOW BUT STEADY PROGRESS BY COMPANIES ON HUMAN RIGHTS Latest scores from the Corporate Human Rights Benchmark (CHRB) tie corporate human rights performance to needed regulatory frameworks, robust board oversight, and...
With child and teen mental health and digital media in the spotlight, should this be a fresh consideration for those building ethical portfolios? Read more on Money Management
Amazon is set to be excluded by Storebrand Asset Management from its Swedish funds over allegedly unfair business practices. Read more on Responsible
As the EU works on rules to protect worker rights and the planet from corporate harm, Open Society’s Jon Jacoby spoke to Anita Dorett, of the Investor Alliance for Human Rights, about how investors are pushing for change. Read more on
When done responsibly, business can be a driving force for prosperity and inclusive economic development. Yet, far too often, companies in many different sectors harm people and planet in their operations or value chains. Referencing the widely-accepted UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human...
By Marwa Fatafta and Laura Okkonen, Access Now On January 24, 2022, the name Rana Ayyub , an Indian woman journalist and Washington Post columnist, started trending on Twitter. She had posted in solidarity with Yemen, calling out the Saudi-led coalition ravaging war on the country. Then the abuse...